Project Runway - A Running Commentary

an ongoing record of the innermost thoughts/feelings/UFO sightings/conspiracy theories of our select clan of Project Runway addicts.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Episodes 8-10: Playing catch-up

i finally got caught up on PR but felt like i missed nothing. the only minor surprise was that Angela & Vincent finally got kicked off, given that the producers have been so hellbent on keeping them on for as long as possible, so much so that it almost came as no surprise at all when they suddenly reappeared in episode 9. (ah, but if only they'd brought back Malan & Alison instead!) and couldn't the challenge have at least been interesting?? "a cocktail dress in black & white only," as if any of them would've used color anyway! "a cocktail dress for a gay cocktail party using rainbow colors only" would've been far more interesting.

speaking of which, what happened to the great, practical challenges of yore? "fake crappy couture" & "make an outfit for yourself" have nothing on the USPS uniform re-design, or the ice-skating challenge.

Gio, you're definitely right that it's Michael's game to lose at this point. he's got by far the best model, the best attitude, & the audience behind him. and what is up w/ how little they profile Uli? maybe the producers just really hate empire-waist dresses. or the whole "Miami/flip-flops/crazy patterns" thing, which i can kind of understand. but i will always, always hate Jeffrey. he's a giant douchebag - his meanness, unfounded arrogance, hooker aesthetic (his "cocktail dress" looked like a teenage whore dressed up in H&M!), and, that most cardinal of sins, his complete & utter lack of wit. Santino Rice he most definitely is not.

Maya, i was also kind of alarmed by Laura's belly. it wasn't there one episode, then it appeared out of nowhere the next!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay blog! Thank you jasmine and jane for inviting me to this universe of project runway blogging, I am so happy to have found a place to express my feelings- it's what i needed last week when my blood pressure was through the roof upon seeing angela and vincent's ugly faces on my television again- agony.
I know it doesn't have to be said anymore, but I severely dislike Angela and her holly hobby rosettes.

10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hit post before finishing, but really I am so happy to have met jane and jasmine at impulse, we'll keep in touch even after i move to chicago.
Can't wait to read the commentary after tomorrow!

10:16 PM  

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